Summer Blog #4

So this is it, the end of my summer series. School has started for me and I’m looking back at such an amazing summer. I think for me, it was a summer of just being happy and making myself happy. It was about going places and meeting new friends that will stick with me for a lifetime. It was about reaching new heights and exploring new worlds. It was about strengthing relationships with people and letting go of the negative ones who hurt me. This summer couldn’t have gone any better, and I’m glad for all the memories I’ve created. 🙂

So here it goes, the final two goals:

Goal #3: Perform an Act of Kindness
I was thinking for a long time about this one, because its often extremely difficult to think of nice things that we do for people. So I guess I’m going to talk about the little things, donating money to charities, volunteering my time at summer camps, helping people reach their goals and putting a smile on the faces of others. I guess one act of kindness in particular was throwing a surprise party for someone very special to me. I had planned it for a long time and organized a bunch of his friends and family to be involved and it was definitely a success. Seeing the smile on his face knowing that his friends cared made it all worthwhile. ♥

Goal #10: Remember Your Summer
Throughout this summer, I’ve been writing in my journals because that is a way I remember everything. Its amazing because I’ve collected so many great experiences. But I have also been taking a lot of pictures, so this summer I am creating a photobook so I will have all the memories forever. Because I have this paranoid fear of my harddrive crashing and losing all of my photos and memories, so I’m choosing the best and most memorable and I’m creating a photobook. 🙂 I think I’ll thank myself in 40 years for doing this because its impossible to remember every little thing that happens, so we must document some of it so if we ever forget, there’s an amazing reminder. I hope all my readers take the time to remember their summers because its so important to remember what means the most to us. Its important to not live in the past but instead record it in ways that allow us to happily relive it.

So, have you completed your summer goals? Leave a comment telling me about your summer and all the great things you accomplished. 🙂 One step at a time, we will grow stronger and happier together. As long as we learn to appreciate life and simply smile. ♥

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